John W. Milor

John Milor is an author of several books of varying genre with outstanding reviews from Kirkus, US Review of Books, Pacific Book Reviews, Reader’s Favorite, GoodReads, and Amazon. He has also been a guest on numerous programs, such as the Art Bell show, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the X-Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnel, the Jeff Rense show, Midnight in the Desert, and many more.
Milor is not a typical Christian. He is not afraid to thoroughly investigate topics that many Christians shy away from. His interest in paranormal phenomenon spans three decades, as he pioneered the emerging field of Christian Ufology.
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Published Works
Genre: Christian Ufology

Christian Ufology (2021)
Book Description
Featured in the New York Times
Synopsis: To quote the movie, A Few Good Men, the world decries, “I want the truth!” Yet the military and the government have shouted back, “You can’t handle the truth!” Until now… We are on the cusp of public disclosure, and the implications are staggering. Is it possible for Christians to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial (ET) life? Author John Milor argues yes; it simply requires looking at Scripture with an updated lens. This book does that by highlighting over seven hundred scriptures that document the existence, relevance, and significance of ETs.
Scripture states in Genesis 6 that in the days of Noah, fallen angels, i.e. the sons of God, once mated with humans and sired horrendously evil, half-breed monstrosities. God brought the flood of Noah to destroy them. A few thousand years later, Jesus said we would see a return to the days of Noah. Why did He highlight Noah’s days, apart from all of human history? Are you ready to return to Noah’s days?
Discussions include:
- Current events signaling that we are on the cusp of full disclosure
- Christian Ufology defined with an overview of the four primary perspectives
- The fall of Lucifer and his angelic pre-Adamite kingdom that once existed on Earth before Adam and Eve
- The rapture of the church
- The rise and fall of the Antichrist and his minions
- The second coming of Christ and the millennial reign of Christ
- The Nephilim, human/angel hybrids of Genesis 6, and their connection to the Antichrist
- The realms of heaven, hell, and blessed and cursed ground
- The origin of dinosaurs, Cro-Magnon man, and Neanderthals
- Civilizations on Mars and elsewhere in the universe
- Other topics touched upon include the existence of Atlantis; ghosts; artificial intelligence; psychic abilities; astral projection; and more
The Earth is the setting for the conclusion of an ancient war amid countless beings of unfathomable power―a war that has spanned across eons, galaxies, and dimensions. For those interested in receiving the full revelation from the Bible about ETs, where they come from, why they come, and what they want, Christian Ufology is for you!
Book Reviews
Note: I give free electronic copies in exchange for Amazon reviews.
True Story from Book
Start at 19:15 for Great Grandmother's UFO Sighting

The Strong Delusion (2021)
Revealing the Strange god of the Antichrist
Book Description
Montaigne Medal Finalist
Synopsis: The Bible tells us of a powerful deception about to overshadow the Earth, so intense, that only those with a genuine faith and love-relationship with God will be able to perceive it. This deception will be so powerful, and so unexpected, that it will court the aspirations of both physicists and theologians, and unify people from all walks of life.
This coming strong delusion it will be delivered by a messenger who will demonstrate the reality of the spiritual realm with such powerful demonstrations that those of divergent faiths will unite and those of no faith will come to believe.
In this book, I disclose events from my life, including a series of supernatural encounters, which set me on a path to reconcile my faith, with the existence of ET life. It was during this reconciliation process, that I discovered I was unraveling the mystery behind the strong delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11.
The strong delusion will initiate in a grand display of open contact with extraterrestrials. It will also involve the global rise of Islam. It’s no mistake that the faiths of 4 billion people, (Christians and Muslims), include two versions of prophetic visions that that they represent opposite sides of a global conflict that will end in the Battle of Armageddon.
This book delves into myriad topics, including, but not limited to the following:
- Encounters with angels, otherworldly beings, and Jesus Christ
- Encounters with demons, ghosts, Nephilim, Jinns, and creatures of myth
- The Bible’s explanation of ET ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’
- The Qur’an and Hadiths ET connection:
- Was Muhammad abducted as a boy, and operated on?
- Was the angel that abducted Muhammad really Gabriel?
- Were the mysterious Jinns of Islam, actually surviving Nephilim?
- Is the Qur’an and Hadith’s ideology, specifically tailored for the Antichrist?
These topics and many more, harken to ancient times, and peer into a not too distant future, when we will see a return to the days of Noah, as prophesied by Jesus.
A Montaigne Medal Finalist.
Book Reviews
Amazon – 5 Stars
GoodReads – 5 Stars
Note: I give free electronic copies in exchange for Amazon reviews
Book Trailer
Book Presentation

Aliens in the Bible (2000)
A Biblical Perspective of Supernatural Entities, Realms of Existence, and Phenomenon
A Biblical Perspective of Supernatural Entities, Realms of Existence, and Phenomenon
Book Description
Synopsis: Aliens in the Bible is my first book published in the Christian Ufology genre, and it is a book of possibilities, inspired to ask questions that have been ignored for too long.
This book is broken into three parts:
Part 1: Supernatural Entities including, but not limited to aliens, ghosts, and myrid mythical creatures/cryptids
Part 2: Realms of Existence that span the multi-dimensional structure of the multiverse, i.e. heaven(s), hells, the astral plane, holy ground, and cursed ground
Part 3: Supernatural phenomena, such as portals, astral projection, UFO/UAP related topics, telekinesis, psychometry, reincarnation, PSI, stigmata, prophecy vs. divination, signs and wonders vs. the occult, ESP vs. words of knowledge, miraculous powers vs. sorcery, etc.
Discussions include:
• The beast spoken of in the book of Revelation might actually be an artificial intelligent life form.
• The giants of Genesis chapter 6 were genetically engineered hybrids of humans, and fallen angels. Dinosaurs and other monstrous prehistoric beasts may have been the results of precursory genetic experimentation leading up to the Nephilim giants.
• Astral projection may have been practiced at the Tower of Babel. This ability aided in the growth of exponential knowledge.
• Satan once ruled a host of planets; his fortified stronghold was a planet referred to as Rahab. God destroyed this world; it became what is now known as the asteroid belt.
• The heaven reported by many non-Christians that have had NDEs (Near-Death-Experiences) isn’t really heaven. It’s actually a vacated paradise located within the midst of Hades, ruled by demonic entities.
• What people perceive as reincarnation is actually possession of the deceased.
This is a must-read for Christians who desire to understand a Christian Mystic worldview of the the supernatural reality that surrounds us all.
This book also serves as a warning of an up and coming deception the likes of which the earth has never before seen.
Book Reviews
Book Interview
True Story from Book

Aliens and the Antichrist (2006)
Unveiling the End Times Deception
Book Description
Selected for Editor’s Choice
Synopsis: Aliens and the Antichrist is a unique prophetic bible commentary highlighting over 700 scriptures, documenting the existence, relevance, and significance of extraterrestrial life. While unfolding the enigma of extraterrestrial life, learn the facts about:
• The fall of Lucifer and his angelic kingdom that once existed on the Earth before Adam and Eve
• The rapture of the church, the rise and fall of the antichrist, the Second Coming of Christ, and the Millennial Reign of Christ
• The Nephilim human/angel hybrids of Genesis 6, and their relationship with the antichrist
• The realms of heaven and hell
• The origin of dinosaurs, Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthal.
Numerous other topics are also touched upon, such as:
• The existence and purpose of ghosts
• The existence of Atlantis
• Civilizations on Mars and elsewhere in the universe
• Psychic abilities
• Astral Projection
• Artificial intelligence
• Reincarnation, etc.
Soon the world will know that aliens are real, but the truth about their existence is only the beginning. For those interested in receiving the full revelation from the bible about who they are, where they come from, why the come and what they want, this is the book to read!
Note: Christian Ufology is the second edition to this book.
Book Reviews
Book Interview

The Paranormal Christian (2021)
Book Description
Ocham’s Razor doesn’t explain everything…
Synopsis: The Paranormal Christian is a sampling of various paranormal related stories, mostly from my personal experiences and family members. I consider myself a “Christian Mystic,” drawn to the supernatural aspects of my faith, with my eyes and ears always open to the unexpected.
Note: If you can’t afford this book, or any of my other books, send me an email me ( and ask for a PDF, and I’ll send you a copy, free of charge. I respectfully request that you give me a review on Amazon in exchange for this.
True Story from Book
Genre: Animation / Children's

The Mountain of Gathering (2021)
Master Edition
A Metaphorical Odyssey through the Scriptures
Book Description
Book Excellence Award Finalist
Synopsis: This animated, fully illustrated tale of Noah’s Ark is the untold backstory hiding between the lines of Genesis 6:20, about the animal’s epic journey to Noah’s Ark.
This was no easy task; some sacrificed their lives so others could make it. Outcasts among their own kind, they left their homes. They traversed the ancient hostile world that was then, relentlessly pursued by enemies with danger around every corner, amidst a global apocalypse. Among the chosen were predator and prey who set aside their differences, and they couldn’t explain why. They followed fragmented visions they didn’t understand, heeding the call of a mysterious mountain they had never been to.
The Master Edition contains an illustrated graphic, and commentary notes (sermonette material), with each chapter, for parents and youth pastors. The book has 52 chapters, so it can be used as a one-year weekly devotional, reading one chapter per week. Parents/youth pastors can use the commentary notes as a guide to discuss the symbols, themes, and stories found throughout the Bible.
Note: This book is also written as a screenplay.
Book Reviews
Book Trailer
Screenplay Pitch / Storyboard

The Mountain of Gathering (2021)
Story Edition
A Metaphorical Odyssey through the Scriptures
Book Description
Book Excellence Award Finalist
Synopsis: This animated, fully illustrated tale of Noah’s Ark is the untold backstory hiding between the lines of Genesis 6:20, about the animal’s epic journey to Noah’s Ark.
This was no easy task; some sacrificed their lives so others could make it. Outcasts among their own kind, they left their homes. They traversed the ancient hostile world that was then, relentlessly pursued by enemies with danger around every corner, amidst a global apocalypse. Among the chosen were predator and prey who set aside their differences, and they couldn’t explain why. They followed fragmented visions they didn’t understand, heeding the call of a mysterious mountain they had never been to.
The Story Edition contains an illustrated graphic with each chapter, to engage young readers with the story. The story edition trims the book down, so it is a slightly cheaper option for the paperback.
Note: This book is also written as a screenplay.
Book Reviews
Book Trailer
Screenplay Pitch / Storyboard
Genre: Historical Fiction-Fantasy/Sci-Fi

The Book of Wars (2021)
Legend of the Prophetess
Book Description
Maincrest Media Award for Best Historical Fiction
And the arose out of obscurity, a prophetess by the name of Deborah…
Synopsis: In the year 1250 B.C., in the midst of twenty years of oppression, there arose out of obscurity a prophetess by the name of Deborah, to which the people of Israel sought judgement. Guided by her prophetic visions and unyielding faith, she inspired unity and courage among her people when she fearlessly led her nation into battle against a tyrannical empire.
Deborah ruled Israel with executive authority that was not inherited as a birthright, at a time and place when most women were considered property. Of all the judges listed in the Old Testament book of Judges, Deborah is one of a kind in the truest sense. She is the only judge who held court and commanded the military. She was also the only female judge, and the only judge who was also prophetess. In many respects, she is the female counterpart to Moses.
What mysteries lie hidden between the lines of Scripture can explain Deborah’s unique role as the “Mother of Israel?” Herein is a world of possibilities, exploring the Old Testament with a fresh lens. And for the intellectually curious, explore the author’s research in the expansive commentary notes following each chapter.
Note: This book is also written as a screenplay.
Book Reviews
Screenplay Pitch / Storyboard

The Dark World Paradox (2017)
Book Description
Synopsis: The Nejah, aka Bigfoot, are actually a highly advanced, trans-dimensional species, not native to this world. They’ve been here for so long, they abandoned any hope of returning to their home world long ago. But Jerar has different plans. He’s inspired by the legends of old, that speak of the glory of Torvadomus. Driven by an unyielding compulsion, he parts from his clan in an epic quest.
It is by faith, that Jerar summons Yokuru from a distant galaxy. Is she an extraterrestrial, or an angel? Yes, sort of. Her home world is what Earth would’ve been like, had Adam and Eve never sinned. When the deceiver arrived at their world, they unanimously voted him off the island!
According to Jim, a search and rescue pilot Yokuru nearly kills when entering Earth’s atmosphere, he finds her unique perspective of Earth, and the descriptions of her home world, far more alien that anything he could have imagined. He is frequently reminded by Yokuru, that it is his own perception that is backward, not hers.
Yokuru hopes to quietly descend into Earth’s upper atmosphere and enter this dimension undetected. Her mission is simple; fetch Jerar, and take him to Torvadomus. But Earth is complicated; it’s a quarantined planet, aka Dark World, with many otherworldly factions, all with their own agendas, and nothing is as it seems.
Book Reviews
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Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy/YA
The Jimmy Prophet Series

Jimmy Prophet's Library (2017)
Book 1
Book Description
Synopsis: An obscure Arkansas backwoods hillbilly accidentally falls into a deep pit in the Ozark hills, where he discovers an archaeological archive of ancient crystals left behind from a long forgotten advanced civilization. When he touches one of these crystals, his brain uploads a massive archive of enhanced kinetic abilities, and an unfathomable mathematical knowledge, including the Grand Unifying Theorem.
Jimmy remains the same common sense, extremely shy, good natured teen he’s always been, but his world is inadvertently turned upside down. No matter how much he tries to avoid attention, his life spirals into complete chaos at every turn.
On the one hand, gaining the attention of Elisa, the most beautiful girl in his school, is certainly a good thing. But the unfortunate side effect is an instant celebrity status, which he finds utterly terrifying, and rife with a complex web of teen drama.
Book Reviews

Jimmy Prophet's Library (2017)
Book 2: The Crystal Shard
Book Description
Synopsis: In book one, we were introduced to a simple minded, humble, obscure Arkansas backwoods country teen, who accidentally fell into a deep pit in the Ozark hills. The pit turned out to be an underground archaeological library of ancient crystals. When Jimmy touched one of them, his brain was “defragmented,” and he uploaded vast quantities of information.
The first book covered only the span of a few days, when Jimmy’s entire world was turned on its head. This book picks up where Jimmy left off, except that Jimmy finds himself in the mysterious underground chamber once again, facing an audaciously beautiful young girl his age, and both he and the girl have amnesia. They have no idea what happened to them for the past few days, and everything that occurred in book one, is wiped from their memories.
In book one, Jimmy shocked everyone in his community, obtaining an instant celebrity status that he wanted nothing to do with. In this book, he and Elisa have no idea what’s in store for them when they return to their homes, and to school the following day. To make matters worse, they have also stepped on a broken crstal. It’s wondrous, yet dangerous, with unpredictable side effects. If Jimmy Prophet made you laugh in book one, this sequel will have you splitting your sides and falling on the floor. This story will also fill your heart with a vivid reminder of falling in love, as Jimmy and Elisa join the ranks of immortal soul mates among the celestial spheres of passion.
Book Reviews

Jimmy Prophet's Library (2024)
Book 3: Simon, Son of Jimmy
Book Description
Synopsis: Simon earned three PhDs by the time he was sixteen. He is wildly popular at Stanford University, especially among the cheerleaders, though he has his sights set on Rachael, a school reporter. At first, Rachael befriends him as a kid brother, but that eventually changes as he passes her up in height, and eventually proposes to her on his eighteenth birthday.
Tragedy strikes just one year later, killing Simon’s wife in a freak car accident, and leaving him not only paralyzed, but stricken with a rare case of locked-in syndrome. Simon cannot even speak. He never knew his father, and shortly after this tragedy, his mother disappears as well.
Imprisoned within his own body, completely isolated, what is left? With nothing but idle time, Simon spends his every waking moment in meditation, exercising his vast intellect with the discipline of a Tibetan Monk. His initial goal is to create a tulpa; an artificial entity of pure thought, which he learned about from his PhD in Demonology. What eventually transpires, tests the boundaries of the human mind, and the limits of faith…
Book Reviews
Book recently released, pending reviews

Jimmy Prophet's Library (2024)
Book 4: The Wizard Apparition
Book Description
Synopsis: In the last installment of Jimmy Prophet, Book 3, we learn that Simon never knew his father Jimmy, who disappeared before he was born. And his mother’s mythological accounts of him are too fantastic to believe. Did he really discover the Grand Unifying Theorem? And did he really find a secret underground chamber, where he was transformed from a backwoods hillbilly into a genius?
Whether his mother’s bizarre stories are a fictional coping mechanism or not, there are certain facts that Simon cannot deny. He is an astounding prodigy, and his strange sleeping disorder is unprecedented; he doesn’t sleep… at all.
Then there’s the fact that Simon later learns how to astral project, and from that, he cultivates ESP and telekinetic abilities. Surely the government spooks keeping a watchful eye on him and his mother would be interested to know more about these details. But before Simon can dig the truth out of his mother, she also disappears, leaving him with nothing but questions, and a handful of obscure clues, leading him back to his Arkansas roots.
Along the way, he teams up with his former sister-in-law, encounters new friends (introduced in one of my other books, The Darkworld Paradox), and discovers that his mission is much more important than finding his parents. The stones of fire contained in the actuation chamber are an incomprehensible threat to the entire multi-dimensional cosmos…
Book Reviews
Book recently released, pending reviews
Genre: Spiritual Biography/Poetry

The Eaglestar Prophecy (2003)
A Seeker's Revelation
Book Description
Synopsis: The end of the age is upon us. Soon the heavens will be shaken, and the battlefield of an ancient war will make its way to the earth. The fabric of time and space trembles full of fractures under the strain of warring battalions, yet we of earth sit in stillness, in a quiet sector of our universe, primarily unaware of the forces about to embark upon us. Through the thinning veil, both the darkness, and the light are penetrating. And while the world becomes subtly entrenched in clouds of darkness, speckled rays of prophetic light have been piercing through, fulfilling the prophecies of Joel 2:28-32.
Over 30 years ago, one such ray of light struck me when I was 12 years old. In a vision, I saw an eagle whose countenance and power was unfathomable. Electricity pulsated throughout the feathers of His body, and while He glared at me with His glowing eyes, He stretched out His wings. A star of light formed between them, and struck me on my forehead.
I have been seeking out the meaning of what happened to me in this vision, ever since…
Book Reviews
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The Reflection of Perception (2017)
A Poetic, Existential Quandary about God, Love, and the Nature of the Universe
Book Description
Synopsis: This is a small collection of my best poems, which I started writing over thirty years ago. My poems break down into three general categories: God, Existential, and Love. I try to make a concrete point with all of my poems; in fact, my poem titled “Poems” defines exactly what my poems entail. I appreciate complexity, so the majority of my poems also rhyme.
My poems about God include some of my Christian beliefs, but they don’t stop there; most of them are philosophical in nature.
My existential poems are wide and varied, discussing topics ranging from frequency, time, and the enigmatic question why, to numbers, reality, and unique rhymes with circular stories that begin where they end. This category could be labeled miscellaneous, but the majority of these poems are existential in nature.
Lastly, my love poems are romantic in nature. Some I wrote for my wife, before I met her. We met when I was twenty one years old, married, and we’ve been together ever since.
Rook Reviews
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